Roland Labana on 09/07/2016

NEW - ACTION REQUIRED- Get your time entries mailed to you

View your time entry submissions Hi everyone. A popular request has been to have a way for cargivers to view their time entry submissions. We have this capability now. We will forward your entries back to you so you can confirm and also have a record.

Roland Labana on 07/27/2016

Policies and Procedures

The policy and procedures manual for inHOMEcomforts Here is a link to the inHOMEcomforts Policy and Procedure Manual

Roland Labana on 07/27/2016

Time Entry Training

Here is a link to the Time Entry process for using QuickBooks. A computer is needed for this - this is the preferred method. If you don't have a computer and want to use your phone to submit time entries, then please use the InHOMEcomforts app for iPhone and Android.